Thank you. we did read that article but felt it still didn't answer our question. My concern is that some of my associates at other sites feel that every patient that has COPD and is on O2 at home has Chronic respiratory failure. I remember something at the acdis conference last year that Illinois had to pay back money because the doc specs had told the docs to document this and they apparently did it and therefore had to pay back all this money. I may had misunderstood. I remember both Dr. Gold and Dr. Haik bringing this up.If anyone remembers and possible could clarify ,if I did infact understand right , it would be helpful. Thanks a bunch!!
Our JATA consultant insists that COPD with home O2 is chronic respiratory failure, but our hospitalists/intensivist don't agree. I have read the article cited above but I can only lead the horse to water!
Our pulmonologist don't agreed that all copd pts with home O2 are chronic respiratory failure. They rely on ht egases to make their decisions. I found a good article recommended by the American college of chest physicians from wikipedia under chronic respiratory failure that breaks it all down. Thank you all for you input.
We query for chronic respiratory failure for pts with home O2 24/7 and a chronic condition necessitating the use of home O2. Google DCBA Inc. and go to the articles library for coders--look for the article titled "Bring Documentation Improvement Into the Office Setting................" There is information at the end of the article regarding chronic respiratory failure regarding definition and parameters.
Linda Renee Brown, RN, CCRN
Clinical Documentation Specialist
Arizona Heart Hospital
Hope this helps!