DRG Expert and CCDS Exam preperation
Looking for advice how to use the DRG Expert and the best way to organize this CDI bible with tabs etc in preparation for the CCDS exam. I plan to take it in November. Any and all advice welcomed. I have been working part time 2 years and full time 8 months now.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!
The best advice I got was to use the blank pages and spaces of the DRG Expert to take notes in. The test has questions about some of the Federal agencies and legislation which I was totally unfamiliar with. Having the information in the book was really helpful! If you are allowed to take a medication book in with you, I would do that as well.
Which specific practice test did you take?
Laura Rogers
Thank you laura.rogers@franciscanalliance.org this is something I did not think of and feel that advice will be a big help for me!