Query for respiratory failure with documented anaphylaxis

If documented anaphylaxis due to an antibiotic infused in the ER can you query and code for acute hypoxic respiratory failure if supported?  Not the principle.  Hypoxia, sats in 60's with good waveform, short of breath, cyanotic, nonrebreather applied and epi given, not requiring intubation but admitted to PICU vs general pedes for monitoring of the reaction and surgery for unrelated principle suspended until following day.  Is it inherent with anaphylaxis and therefore not coded separately or can we code/query for the failure? If not resp failure, then would the hypoxia be codeable or again inherent with anaphylaxis.  

Thank you for your help. 



  • I think it's appropriate to query, it qualifies as a secondary diagnosis.  Anaphylaxis can include symptoms in many systems, all of which would be appropriate to account for if clinically supported.
  • Thank you!

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