Mortality Review

Does anyone have input on how to have a mortality review meeting with the CDI team and coding team?


  • What is the goal you are trying to reach? Are you looking to identify missed opportunities to increase SOI & ROM?
  • We don't have meetings, but do a second level CDI review by our team lead to ensure we didn't miss any opportunities. 
  • Yes... we are looking for missed opportunites , PDX and sequencing.  Anything else we should be focusing on?
  • I have been focusing on POA/evolving opportunities with CDS and Coding while monitoring no response and disagree percentages for those queries that would have impact on mortality, cmi, soi, and rom to identify opportunity for clinician, cds and coding education. I get pretty nerdy too and share statistical data I find interesting in comparison to AMC's similar to ours (ex: Covid 19 cases for April 2020) and breakdown what drgs with secondary diagnosis impacting mortality to identify our wins and areas of opportunity to monitor for during case reviews.
  • We look at all mortality records prior to billing to ensure we are capturing the highest SOI and ROM as well as all POA conditions. We query the attending physician and if we have difficulty, the issue is escalated to our physician advisor for review and if agrees will discuss with the attending. The key is to do this before billing.
  • We do really well documenting on those cases resulting in a celestial seems its all the other cases within the drg where our opportunity is likely:) I use our benchmarking group to assist in identifying those cases where we are below the expected mortality to audit for opportunities throughout the workflow/process (CDS, Coding Professionals, and Clinicians).

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