Claro Group CDI Solution

Has anyone had any experience with the Claro Group's CDI Solution?

If you have, would you please answer the following:
1. What type of education did they provide?
2. Was their software solutions robust?
3. What were some benefits of using their services?
4. What were some disadvantages to using their services?
5. Did you see a ROI?
6. Did you see an increase in your hospital profile data (healthgrades, etc.)

Any other points you would like to share would be appreciated as well.


Avery E. Trickey, RHIA
Lead Clinical Documentation Specialist
Health Information Management
Advocate BroMenn Medical Center


  • We use CLARO but I am a new CDS so I dont have a good reference point.
    As for now, I see the benefit of their software program, CDR2 which we use for reviews. It automatically recieves feeds for our new admissions which i then can fiter by numerous categories (unit, insurance, physician, etc...). You use that to create a worklist for each CDS. We pull up patients in CDR2 and complete worksheets in CDR2. We document whether or not we query and on what subject and when we review and re-review charts. Their new version (not quite out yet) will have electronic queries built in and also includes the DRG expert, coding clinics, Merck, etc in CDR2. You can also request 2nd level reviews from coders/CDS' in CDR2. Our coders also use it to ask up clincal questions. our coders then also note in CDR2 whether queries were answered.
    CDR2 allows us to track queries and productivity and see physician response rates.
    Every 6 mo we get reports that are specialty/DRG specific as to MCC/CC capture rates, query rates, coverage rates, response rates, etc....

    I am interested in hearing other responses as I am a new CDS and have no other experience....
  • edited May 2016
    Did they do any education for you? If so, what did it entail?

    Avery E. Trickey, RHIA
    Lead Clinical Documentation Specialist
    Health Information Management
    Advocate BroMenn Medical Center

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  • We have had two site-visits since I have been here (less than 4mo). The first one was for 4 days and we mainly went over process issues as well as going over our last report. They went over how the program should work, strategies, and how to design an effective program (our program has basically been forgotton a bout for teh last several years).
    They were here this week to review 30 death charts. We were able to watch the review process and thereby recieved a lot of education in that process although it was not formal. They met with the CDI team and coders to go through charts as a group and compare processes.
    They obviously provide our training and education related to CDR2.

    I know they offer other training and education but this is what I have been present for so far.
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