Electronic Nudges vs. CDI queries

Hi all,

Some discussion amongst my team is : if a 'nudge' fires for example asking a provider to specify the type of malnutrition that was documented , and the provider specifies severe protein calorie malnutrition, but that answer is not clinically supported in the medical record, should CDI then send a clinical validation query or does that contradict the practice brief which states not to query the provider twice unless new clinical information is present ?


  • I'm interested in this as well. I've always thought we could not ask again.

  • I am interested in this question as well - we are determining whether to implement this in our EMR although we do not have the functionality in our CDI software that is interfaced to our EMR... trying to determine how compliant we would be to send a Clinical Validation query for a diagnosis that was added as a result of a "nudge" from AI suggestion inside the EMR - ?


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