Policies and Procedures including retrospective queries and rebill process
As a pediatric CDI program, I like to say we are in our infant, maybe approaching toddler, years as far as stage of development. The program in previous years did not have a lot of the things most of us think of related to a well run CDI program. Luckily, the leader before me got the program up and running with many of the components required to continue our progression towards the vision of a best practice CDI program. Having said all of that, I'm reviewed the previous forums but looking to see if anyone would be willing to share:
1) Policies and procedures related to your CDI program (i.e. query escalation, workflows, etc)
2) I am very curious as to any procedures you have related to retrospective queries and the rebill process as well (i.e. is there an allotted time allowed for retrospective queries and when your coding team will rebill?)
Feel free to reach out to me at amanda.halsey@childrenscolorado.org as well as answering here.