Interesting verbiage in a d/c summary

I just read this as part of a dictated discharge summary:
"Please note this is a summary and may contain errors or omissions. Please refer to the patient's full chart for the details."

Does this protect the chart when an auditor tries to swoop down on the d/c sum?


Linda Renee Brown, RN, CCRN, CCDS
Certified Clinical Documentation Specialist
Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center


  • edited May 2016
    I'd run that question past QM or Risk Management.


    Robert S. Hodges, BSN, MSN, RN, CCDS
    Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialist
    Aleda E. Lutz VAMC
    Mail Code 136
    1500 Weiss Street
    Saginaw MI 48602
    P: 989-497-2500 x13101
    F: 989-321-4912
    "The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug." Samuel "Mark Twain" Clemens
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