Lysis of Adhesions
Our surgeon is concerned that a chart failed chemical VTE prophylaxis on an open hernia operation because lysis of adhesions was coded as the principal procedure based only on the OR dictation which listed lysis of adhesions as one of the postop diagnoses and also included 'thickened adhesions' in the body of the report. Since surgeons stand to fail this measure, should they have input whether lysis of adhesions should be coded?
is part of the procedure and doesn't add any time to the case, or
increased risk to the patient. It's the cases that take longer than
usual or that are described as tedious lyses that need to be clarified
whether an expected part of the principal procedure or a separate
procedure. If you call your OR scheduling department, they can tell you
what length of time they expect for different types of surgeries. Then
look at the start and stop times, as well as the surgeon's description
of the adhesiolysis to determine if querying is needed.
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Sandy Beatty, RN, BSN, C-CDI
Clinical Documentation Specialist
Columbus Regional Hospital
Columbus, IN
(812) 376-5652
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes
off the goal." Hannah More