DNR Status
It has been decided at our facility's Inpt Coding meeting today that V49.86 DNR status no longer needs to be coded. The CDI Department does not agree with this. What are any our your thoughts? Thank you in advance for your response.
Claudine Hutchinson RN
Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialist
Children's Hospital at Saint Francis
Email: chutchinson@saintfrancis.com
Office: (918) 502-6603
Pager: 98-1001
Sharon Cole, RN, CCDS
Case Management
Mark N. Dominesey, RN, BSN, MBA, CCDS
Sr. Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialist
Sibley Memorial Hospital
no DNR is coded in a patient with lung cancer and the patient goes in to
resp.arrest and we ask the doc to dictate resp.arrest or failure vs.
resp.insuffucuency, won't an auditor want to know why no treatment was
provided for resp.failure? It seems like quality of care could be
called in to question.
That doesn't sound like a good idea to me.
Donna Kent, RN, BSN, CCDS
Manager, Clinical Documentation Integrity Program
Clinical Quality and Accreditation
Torrance Memorial Medical Center
ph.:310 784-6884 fax:310 784-6899
We are specifically asked to track DNR status (whether the patient was DNR on admission and when they became DNR, if ever). Therefore, I certainly think that code-status should be coded. I actualy check that it has been coded prior to the chart beign dropped (the way our system works, the coders to a "draft" coding and then me and our coding manager review it and make any necessary changes/query prior to finalization).
be answered is whether there was a DNR in the first 24 hours.
Donna Kent, RN, BSN, CCDS
Manager, Clinical Documentation Integrity Program
Clinical Quality and Accreditation
Torrance Memorial Medical Center
ph.:310 784-6884 fax:310 784-6899
hours of admit be reported to them. Using the DNR ICD-9-CM code allows
one to report the status regardless of when it actually occurs.