Have hospitalists programs impacted your query rate?
We were discussing this at our MD advisor meeting and our director seemed to think after 10 years of CDIP, we should still be querying at a rate of 35%, which was thes tandard quoted by the original consultants. We implemented a hopitalist program in 2009 and since then our query rate has been trending down. I think it's because the hospitalists are working closely with us, and they see 60% of all IP admissions. Our query rate is now running about 20%. Can anyone share their experience with hospitalist programs and the impact on the overall query rate? Thanks.
Good job
Robert S. Hodges, BSN, MSN, RN, CCDS
Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialist
Aleda E. Lutz VAMC
Mail Code 136
1500 Weiss Street
Saginaw MI 48602
P: 989-497-2500 x13101
F: 989-321-4912
E: Robert.Hodges2@va.gov
"We are dealing with Veterans, not procedures; With their problems, not ours." --General Omar Bradley
Yes, we have seen a reduction amongst this group. But there are still areas which need focus. I focus on a lot of causetive queries w/them - what is the underlying cause of...? This is due to...? Which is a manifestation of...? Those types of queries.
NBrunson, RHIA, CCDS