cooling catheter insertion and therapeutic hypothermia

What codes and/or guidelines do you use to capture cooling catheter insertion and therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest. Thank you!


  • CPT for Physician: 99291/99292: cath is included in Critical Care code. Found in Blue Cross document; review payer info.

    PCS Facility: 6A4Z[0,1]ZZ can be coded if facility chooses; can be used for statistic/research info. See AHA CC 2Q 2019 pg 17 for similar idea.

    The catheter is usually femoral CVC (can be other insertion site), if end point is known, code to that end point: (example, IVC: 06H033Z), if endpoint is unknown/not documented, code endpoint as Y (06HY33Z). (AHA CC 1Q 2017 pg 3-31)

    I suggest, after thorough research and data collection, develop your own guidelines.

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