New postion open help

Hello fellow CDI, my department is looking to post a new position, but gear it more towards a coder as a CDI. For those of you who have coders could you please answer the following questions? Thanks in advance for your help.

Is your coder utilized as a CDI or as a pre bill coder?


Does your coder go to the units for education?


Was your coder from in house or outside of the institution?


How did you get buy in from your coder to join your team (because many coders work from home and are paid at a different rate)?



  • Hello. I am currently a CDI Specialist that is a coder. I was an inpatient coder for 16 years and then moved into the CDI position. I was transferred from in house. I currently have my CCS, CCDS, and CDIP. I do all the same things as a normal CDI specialist. I do the majority of the physician education. I round on the units. I also help the RN CDI's with coding gidelines and rules. It was an easy transition and I love it. When our facility developed our CDI program it was set up from the beginning that a certified coder would be part of the staff. 
  • Amy, your response made me laugh..."I do all the same things as a normal CDI specialist"... that is because you are a ""normal CDI specialist". 
  • I love to make people laugh!! I said that because I think some people think coder CDI's are not able to do everything that RN CDI's can do. I think it is an excellent balance to have both. Definitely glad to make you laugh. 
  • edited March 2017
    I have two very season coders as CDI.  They are both have worked for my company over 15 years (8 years as CDI) and out of all my CDI are the best physician educators.  One works from home and comes into the hospital at least one day a week and visits with the physicians.  The physicians at her facility know her by name.   The other works within the facility because she actually prefers not to work from home.   She participates in rounding on the floor and she has very good query response from one of toughest physician groups (cardiologists).   She was there from the beginning-when CDI rolled out.
  • My opinion has always been that the best composition of CDI teams includes both coders and nurses.  Of course there are lots of factors to consider when choosing a good team but the bottom line is that each CDS can learn from the other's knowledge base and the ability to build a rapport with the providers is essential.  I believe this rapport can be built with a part-time or full-time presence at the facility. 
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