CCDS Exam Prep Online Boot Camp

Has anyone participated in the online boot camp for CCDS exam prep, and if so, did they find it more valuable than just using the study guide materials? 


  • I cannot speak as an attendee but can speak as the author of the course- this course was designed to assist one in prep for the exam by perhaps identifying areas of needed study. We review the guidelines, sequencing of pdx and identification of secondary diagnoses. We also explain the IPPS methodology and MS-DRGS. We touch on a number of  conditions and review the MDCs. (of course we cant cover them all- but highlight those conditions that can be confusing to a CDI). And we also speak to Hospital Value Based Purchasing, and other CMS quality programs. the course is meant as an overview with a goal to help you prioritize areas of which you might need further preparation. We also speak to test taking strategies, offer examples of how test questions are written. I believe it is a very valuable course. We cannot guarantee that if you take the course you will pass the exam, but we have found that the passing rate is a bit higher than those who prep using other methods. The course is meant to be a part of your prep plan,  we stress  you still have to work on your own.  Please let me know if you have further questions. 
  • I am just palnning to take CCDS exam and found this forum going to be very helpful.
    When should I attend the online boot camp for CCDS exam prep , will it be helpful in the begning of prepration.thanks
  • Deciding on when to take the CCDS exam prep boot camp? Remember you want a little bit of time to review after you take the course. It’s a fine line between too little and too much time. If you know you are procrastinator set hard time frames for yourself. If you are planning on taking the class in person you may get some other suggestions on what you should also review.
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