Mortality Reviews
I'd like to know what dept is is performing Mortality reviews at your facility?
If the review is performed by CDI staff, could you contact me with a work flow/procedure?
I am using 3m 360 so if anyone has a process for mortality review using this software, that would be helpful...thanks much!!!
If you will be at the Conference, maybe we can chat!!
Our CDI team reviews 100% of the mortalities pre-bill to ensure all clinically significant diagnoses are documented and coded. We have 3M 360 and to help with workflow we had them create a custom worklist for us to include the mortalities (they can do this based on dispo). The cases remain on this worklist until reconciled. We also have a template that we plug in to 3M CDIS so that the information entered in the mortality review is consistent across the board. If your team is newer to these types of reviews, I can share with you a presentation on key diagnoses to look for as well as a print out of a poster presentation from a few years back on this topic. My email is Hope this helps.
We also perform 100% Mortality and HAC HARM reviews Pre Bill. The review is conducted twice/week with CDI, Coding and Quality Dept in attendance. The Risk Adjustment Methodology is reviewed and addressed at this time.