opioid use

A query was recently sent to try and capture opioid dependence but was answered Opioid use. Patient with chronic pain syndrome, RA, on oxy at home.  I am being told that the opioid use cannot be coded due to the following which isn't making any sense to me. Thoughts?

Chapter 5: Mental, Behavioral and Neurodevelopmental disorders (F01 - F99) . . .

3) Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders

As with all other diagnoses, the codes for psychoactive substance use disorders (F10.9-, F11.9-, F12.9-, F13.9-, F14.9-, F15.9-, F16.9-) should only be assigned based on provider documentation and when they meet the definition of a reportable diagnosis (see Section III, Reporting Additional Diagnoses). The codes are to be used only when the psychoactive substance use is associated with a physical, mental or behavioral disorder, and such a relationship is documented by the provider.

"So the above is saying that we cannot assign a code from category F10-F16 unless the use of the substance has resulted in an associated physical, mental or behavioral disorder.  Such as a patient has hyperemesis due to cannabis use- in this case we would assign a code for the hyperemesis and a code from the category F10-F16."  


  • What’s the point of having a code but not using it when it applies…but only using when you have a second condition that is a result of the first code?
  • unfortunately the guidelines instruct us that we cannot use this code unless there is a related disorder. 

  • Jillian- the latest coding clinic 2nd quarter 2018 discussed this issue and unfortunately stated the physician must document an associated physical, mental or behavioral disorder. it makes no sense to me either.

  • Keep in mind that the 5 rules of reporting a secondary diagnosis under the UHDDS generally apply to everything that isn't a Z code.   
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