Query audits

As a CDI Manager, I perform 5 query audits per CDI so a total of 55-60 query audits/month. I have a fairly simple tool but still find myself struggling to get this task complete every month.   I have heard of CDI programs performing peer to peer query audits and some programs only spot checking queries when it comes to audits.

 I am curious-

Who performs your Query Audits?  How often and how many?   




  • i always suggest peer reviews- as this allows for learning by both the reviewee and the reviewer. For a peep audit system to work it should be approached purely as a learning tool/educational tool. But the manager can also review these results to identify trends of potential concern that may require a deeper audit. this would allow you to target and prioritize your audits to better utilize your time/effort. compare the peer review results with query statistics and you may see outliers that require a deeper look.
  • Laurie, I've always wanted to do peer audits but wasn't sure how that would go over with the staff. All my audits are purely educational as well and no corrective action taken. I could definitely use the extra time to do deeper looks at the stats...I need to revisit this and see if I can implement.

    Thanks for the idea

  •  I really like the idea of performing peer to peer reviews.  Current State-when I perform a review-I composite an accuracy % and this is used as an individual CDI performance goal.   Also, it re-appears on CDI yearly evaluation.  We will have to change our mindset and use it as you said purely a learning tool/educational tool.  I do feel this would be more beneficial and as you said if I identify a trend-I can dig deeper.  Thanks for your feedback Laurie! 

  • you are welcome- good luck. let us know what you develop.
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