Query percentage goals
I have a question that I am looking for some thoughts on from the group. As a CDI Director are working on increasing our query volume and have questions on how we should report our goal percentage.
We have set a goal of 20% for query volume (which we were told by a consulting firm that is a national average) but are trying to decide if that is 20% of total reviews or 20% of unique patients reviewed?
Obviously our query percentage will be much higher if we base it on unique accounts but is that how others report?
For example if I review a pt. record 2 times and only query once, my query percentage is 50% if I use total reviews but it is 100% if I use unique accts as my denominator.
I hope this makes sense. Let me know if you are confused or if you report this data in a different manner. We are open to ideas!
Thank you!
We count number of queries over number of charts reviewed and are averaging a 16-18% query rate with a response rate of 90%+. (ie: 3 queries on one chart is a 300% query rate). Our opinion is that it takes just as much time and effort to write the third query on a chart as it did to write the first query, if not more!
We are an established program with a relatively stable physician base. We have provided a lot of education over the years to our physicians and have seen our query rate decrease as they learn what is needed for complete documentation. IMHO, a higher query rate would indicate failure in our education processes.
We query for clinical validation/denial prevention, PSI's, quality measures, all of the normal stuff. We have had a couple of outside audits that have found very limited missed opportunities for queries. We also review queries for appropriateness on a monthly.
Every week we total number of queries by topic and provide education on the top 2 query topics. If I could get my physicians to consistently document malnutrition I think our query rate would drop to 5%!
I don't really like number of queries as a metric. I would rather use audit based metrics such as missed opportunities or appropriateness of queries but realize those are more time intensive metrics.
Cynthia Mead RN CCDS
Flagstaff Medical Center